One-stop-shop for all school gear including spiritwear and uniforms.
Uniforms. From polos to khakis we have the apparel you need to keep your students looking sharp.
Spiritwear. Represent your school in spiritwear made just right. From hats to hoodies and everything in between show your school pride.
Accessories. Gear bags, water bottles, balls, bats, you name it we got it. When we say one-stop-shop we mean it!
Real People. Dedicated account managers who's sole job is to make you look good - literally.
Free Graphic Design. Trust our designers to bring your ideas to life. From custom logos to special event t-shirt designs we will design something special.
No Fees. We will never charge those extra fees the other guys sneak onto your invoice. That's no screen fees, no setup fees, no digitizing fees. One flat price that's easy to understand.
No Minimum Orders. We love all orders. Need one tee? We can handle that. Need one embroidered polo shirt? Check we got you.
Free Dedicated Storefront. Paper order forms and collecting cash are a thing of the past. We offer a free storefront and accept all major credit cards.
Free Shipping. School orders will be individually bagged and tagged and delivered directly to your school administrator.
Fast Turnaround. When you need it fast we have you covered. Most orders ship within two-weeks.
Fundraising. Our free store front stays open year-round so you can fundraise year-round. We pay a rebate directly to your school.
PTOs. Take advantage of our free services to save some money. Want free teacher appreciation tees? Make sure you contact us to learn how.